Ethical and transparent behavior

Ethics and compliance management
At JJC we are fully committed to ethics and transparency, key elements of our management model, and that reflect the current trust placed in us by all our stakeholders.
Therefore, today we invite you to review our Code of Ethics, which establishes the guidelines that, in accordance with the values of ethics and transparency, and good corporate practices, guide the conduct and the way in which we make decisions in JJC, seeking to generate a positive impact both in our organization and in society in general.
Ethics & Compliance System
Our Ethics and Compliance System has specific guidelines and procedures that serve as a guide and control for correct behavior and/or adequate decision-making in the face of the risks of non-compliance that, due to the nature of our activities, may occur.
These guidelines and directives are generally applicable to all JJC employees (including third parties that perform activities on behalf of JJC) and compliance with them is the individual responsibility of all of us who are part of the company.

Our Ethics Line
Our Ethics Line “Values in Action” is operated by a locally and internationally recognized consulting firm, where customers, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and/or, in general, any interested person, can report unethical conduct of the company, its employees, suppliers and/or business partners.
It is a confidential, anonymous, and independent system consisting of five channels that serve to communicate any non-compliance with our Code of Ethics and/or any misconduct or suspicion of unethical behavior in our organization.

Expression of Concerns and Opinions
If you have any concerns and/or opinions regarding the Ethics and Compliance System (SEC), please reach out to our Corporate Compliance Manager or email us at prevencioncorporativa@jjc.com.pe / oficialdecumplimiento@jjc.com.pe.
Our Corporate Policies
Code of ethics
We adhere to the standards that guide our behavior and the way we make decisions.
Free competition
We compete actively and honestly in the markets where we operate, based on ethical principles and in compliance with applicable regulations and international best practices in the sector.
Anti-corruption policy
In consistency with our Integrity value, we have implemented the JJC Ethics and Compliance System, which allows us to consolidate an ethical environment that reduces risks in our business and generates greater trust in our stakeholders.
Compliance Policy
We promote and encourage compliance with applicable laws and other adopted obligations, in line with our values, goals, and strategies, in order to continuously enhance our Ethics and Compliance System.